Author: Anton Lee Huger

Writing Your Personal Vision/Mission Statement

Writing Your Personal Vision/Mission Statement

I recently spent some time revisiting my vision/mission statement for my consulting practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my practice is closely related to my personal vision. […]

Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking Outside the Box

When innovators talk about thinking outside the box, they mean coming up with creative ways to solve problems – new ways to look at things. How do they do it? How can you do it […]

How Successful Entrepreneurs Handle Failure

How Successful Entrepreneurs Handle Failure

There are many differences that separate the winners in business and life from those who are struggling and falling by the wayside. One big difference is how they handle failure.  Successful entrepreneurs have a positive […]

Five Ways to Overcome Failure

Five Ways to Overcome Failure

Everyone hates to fail but what most people don’t realize is that failing is part of success. Anyone who has ever succeeded has failed many times. So, how do you overcome failure? Here are five […]

Becoming a Leader in Your Community

Becoming a Leader in Your Community

One way to ensure the success of your business is to become recognizable as an expert in your community. It might seem surprising, but fame doesn’t happen by accident most of the time. Even though […]